Hi i'm,
Augusto Alexandre
A brazilian UX and Product Designer. Currently working At
Sys Manager
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
ux, product, ui & marketer
Lets connect at linkedin
Caso de estudo de ux design para rebrand (pt-br)
Mudança de brand do produto da empresa Serasa
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UI - Aplicativo Go Travel
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Case Real State
Rebranding Nubank
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Mood visual e discovery para pré campanha de vereador. (pt-br)
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Check all my Portfólio
Values to build delightful design & robust solutions
My professional principles are a set of skills focused on creating excellence.
Committed to
creating value
Good design is measured by the value created and the ability to scale it to improve lives.
Cocreate vision to build trust
A shared vision guides teams to build better products through systemic thinking and empathy.
Engaged to leverage design
People are encouraged through their career paths and stakeholder alliances are based on trust.
Focused to continual learning
Being open-minded is essential to develop knowledge and generate innovation.
Working to transform
real life
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Let's keep the conversation going.
Lets connect
Together we can turn knowledge into doable things
[ ux thoughts ]
© 2025 Augusto Alexandre. @augustoalexandredesigner